Page 398 - Mechanical Products Installation Handbook IH-1000M
P. 398

 390 PRESSURE & DESIGN DATA Expansion / Contraction
GRINNELL Flexible Couplings are capable of accommodating pipe movements provided they are properly gapped and a sufficient quan- tity of flexible couplings are used. However, flexible couplings will not accommodate both full maximum linear movement and the maximum available angular deflection concurrently at the same joint.
If it is desired to have both deflection and linear movement available, then the system should have sufficient flexible joints to accommodate the requirement.
Thermal Movement
The following guidelines are similar to any expansion joint: It is recom- mended that anchors be installed at changes of direction on the pipe- lines to control the pipe movement. The thermal expansion / contraction in the piping system can be accommodated utilizing GRINNELL Flexible Couplings. In designing anchoring systems, it is suggested that the following be taken into consideration as a minimum:
• Pressure thrusts
• Frictional resistance of any guides or supports
• Centrifugal thrust due to velocity at changes of direction
• Activation force required to compress or expand a flexible coupling
Three methods are available as examples to accommodate thermal expansion/contraction:
1. Design the system with rigid couplings and place expansion joints at the proper locations. Expansion joints may be a series of flexi- ble grooved couplings of a sufficient quantity to accommodate the movement.
                             a. Refer to Technical Data Sheets G810, G820, and G830 for more information.

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